...com as aparências. Corre por aí esta imagem.
Recebi-a ontem como verdade.
Soldados chineses vestir-se-iam de monges tibetanos para atiçar a opinião pública ao protagonizar a encenação do inimigo nas manifestações da revolta. Créditos atribuídos à Agência Britânica
de Comunicação (?).
Mas "The photo you are referring has nothing to do with the recent unrest in Lhasa. It was true that the photo was depicted in our 2003 TCHRD Annual report back cover. The photo was a part of filmshoot (A MOVIE) made in Tibet where Chinese armies wore the monk robes. We received the photos in 2003."
“The photo is from the set of "The Touch", starring Michelle Yeoh, shot in Tibet in 2001. This has been confirmed by the films' distribution company.”
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